Do You Talk to Yourself While Single Player Gaming?

I pose this as a legitimate question.

I find myself weighing my in-game options and choices aloud. I think of it like I’m doing live-action role playing in front of the TV will playing an RPG on screen. I’m laughing at myself now that I’m reflecting about it on here. But I wonder if more players do the same thing?

Talking to Yourself Is Cool

Verbally weighing in-game options makes the experience come alive! Instead of a millisecond thought, the physical action (although small) makes a difference. It seems silly but it makes an impact on how I make choices. This also helps with my connection to the game. There is a stronger bond between me and the images on the screen. Caring more about the characters and story is never a bad thing! Albeit strange AF and will prompt sideways looks from your roommate.

I’ve been thinking about starting a gaming journal too. Jotting down notes to help keep the story and characters straight could be a fun. But I’ll definitely keep talking to myself because it’s a little weird and oddly satisfying. Give it a shot if you haven’t already. G Fuel helps.