Note: This review is based on the Nintendo Switch port that released on Apr 23, 2019.
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Combat is slick. Feels similar to the slashing in “Shadow of Mordor” and “The Witcher.” At a press of the shoulder button, attacks can be varied to keep the flashing attacks fresh. Reminiscent of the special abilities in “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.” Pawns, NPC characters who serve as your companions, help drain enemy HP. Weapons feel weighty, so hitting baddies actually feels delightful. For a game that initially released in 2013, the combat feels modern. Worth checking out today!
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Looot. There is gear to find everywhere. Roofs, bushes, branches, beaches, boxes, every little nook and cranny has a little treat hidden away. Obviously, this rewards players who thoroughly explore the vast open world. However, the game kinda suffers from “Monster Hunter” syndrome, meaning there are way to many strange herbs and plants to collect. A sense of overwhelming washes over you after you’ve picked up your 100th Sunbright flower, but have no idea what it’s actually used for. Small gripe, but okay.
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All around the Switch port of call of “Dragon’s Dogma” is nice. At $30 bones, the fantasy experience isn’t worth passing up. This goes double if you’re a jumbo weeb, like me.