Latest “R6 Seige” Update Seems to Brick Your PS4


The /r/Rainbow6 subreddit is abuzz right now with players saying the latest “R6” update has crashed their Playstation 4–permanently. After visiting their friends list, in game or on the dashboard, players say the PS4 freezes with no way of getting the system to turn back on normally.  The worst part is, there doesn’t look to be a remedy in sight! And everyone wants to know who is to blame: Sony, Ubisoft or both? Both corporate parties are aware of the issue and have made brief statements with very little info other than something along the lines of hold tight.

It really is a scary thought that a simple update can have major consequences. I didn’t even realize this could be possible. My console downloaded the update yesterday at 9:00am–my PS4 has had the sickness for 24 hours! I am being careful not to boot up “Siege” or try to access my friends list and my PS4 hasn’t shown any signs of death, thank God. We’ll all have to wait and see how this will be resolved!