“Max Payne” Is a Holiday Classic

The holidays: a time for family, food and “Max Payne.”

The 2001 classic from Remedy Entertainment features insane bullet-time gun fights and a stellar comic book, noir-style story line. Max Payne, the lead character, is lovable with all his witty dialogue that will keep you angaged. Think of “Max Payne” like the 1988 flick “Die Hard” which, after much debate, is a holiday movie.

“MP” is set in a blizzard-ravaged New York City. Baddies lurk in the shadows, junkies tremble in abandoned apartment buildings each casting a backdrop for some of the best gun battles your PS2 and mind can handle. Duel Ingrams, am I right? Snow on the ground leaves my holiday senses tingling. The muzzle flashes serve as brilliant Christmas lights.

Okay, really being honest here, I got “Max Payne” for Christmas when I was like 12 for my PS2. Learned how to use duel analogue sticks playing this gem. So, the possibility that “MP” only rings holiday bells for me is likely. But I’m telling you right now, you play this game this holiday season and you will be on my level!

Check out the trailer: