3 Best Twitch Emotes and Their Meanings

From spamming to chatting (to nobody, I might add), getting weeb-y in chat is preferred. Learning the best basic-level Twitch emotes to propel yourself into the throes of weeaboo will also earn you mega clout. I will show you de wae.


If you are a generic pleb like yours truly. Spam some Kappa in the chat to indicate just how basic and mindless you are. No JK, it’s supposed to indicate sarcasm! Try it out 🙂


Lets say the streamer just pulled off some 1337 moves in-game. You don’t want to actually tell the streamer they did something amazing. Just spam this cool cat. EZ PZ.


If you love DansGaming, these is emote will like tickle you. It’s the famous streamer’s face contorted in some sort of sneer. Use this when you want to show some disdain in chat–and be basic AF!

I hope I have shed some insight in the fine art of emotes in Twitch chat. The art is as old as time and and rhyme baby.