Almost out of the blue, Respawn Entertainment’s free-to-play battle royale “Apex Legends” has running-punched the video game community in the face with its greatness. It really has no right to be as glorious as it darn well is.
“Apex Legends” is currently running away with the BR championship belt because its innovations are out of this world. Lemme rattle the most-notable features below:
- Ping System – From directions to item pickups, relaying information to even the most pleb of teammates is at a simple press of R1 (if you’re playing on PS). It’s quick and beautiful.
- Looting – Swapping valuable attachments form one gun to another doesn’t take a year and a day looking at you “Blackout” and “PUBG.” Okay, looting feels so good in this game it feels brand new.
- “Counter Strike” Nod – If you run with your weapon holstered in “Apex,” you run faster. Wraith even runs with a knife out.
- Hot Zones – Hot Zones are random spots on the map highlighted in a blue circle where high-tier loot will spawn. Prepare for lots of folks to drop at that location.
- Resurrection – Respawn beacons placed around the map serve as a way for living squad mates to bring back their dead into the fight! Not as EZ as it sounds.
- Heros With Ults – A grime game can be turned around with a perfectly timed ultimate. Raining missiles on the enemy or creating a portal to safety or both is how games are won.
“Apex Legends” has captured the world’s attention. Goodbye, “Bros Intro to Video Games” aka “Fortnite.” If Respawn supports their game like Epic does theirs, “Apex” could steal the show for good. So go forth, plebs, enjoy!
And, of course, Shroud absolutely destroys this game, as you can clearly see here: