“Apex Legends” S2 Leviathans FTW

During the hellhole of “Apex Legends” season 1 , it was hard not to notice the big-boi leviathans lurking off the coast. It’s season 2 and the leviathans have made landfall…

Truth bomb, comin’ at ya! LNG hasn’t even dropped into Kings Canyon yet this new season. Full blown protest mode since S1 and its battle pass was not so nice(to say the least). That’s 10 bucks never to be seen again. Whatever, the past is the past.

Anyhow, the leviathans are stomping on the map now. They don’t appear to be actually moving. Chillin’, stompin’. I guess dropping loot? I haven’t played S2, so how do I know this? Well, I’ve watched an F-ton of streams. Mainly Shroud lol. Nobody else really streams “Apex.”

Implementing the monsters into the game more is a really cool idea. They aren’t just eye candy anymore. Can someone say winning? These bois stole my heart in season 1, but now they truly rule Kings Canyon. Are they enough to drop in? Probably not. Lul.