As a Gamer With Really Sweaty Hands…

It’s bad. For instance, I fear  for the well-being of my controller as I hold it in my sopping grasp. Find me playing “Rainbow Six: Siege“–forget about it, my mitts are literally dripping and destroying my PS4 controller.  I researched some methods for curing this tragic problem.

Lifehacker suggests I pick up a bottle of liquid chalk. Typically used by rock climbers, I would be the freak slathering up before a session of GTAV… Who knows though, this could be actually a pretty good route to take. Maybe I’ll buy some and test it out for a little while.

YouTube jabroni offers a quick solution to sweaty hands: don’t hold the controller quite so hard… Are you kidding me, don’t you think I’ve tried this no-brainer??? It goes wayyy beyond just the way I grip the controller, buddy! But thanks for the eight minute YT video! If you want to watch, I’ve at least, queued up the exact moment when he reveals the big news.


Sweaty hands could be my calling card. I should probably just embrace it and drink some G Fuel.