Devout Nintendo Switch players can find “Astral Chain” amongst great titles released in 2019. It’s a gem churning with hack-and-slash goodness and purely lacking in spotlight. Remember when I bought it using a $100 Best Buy gift card, lol?
Combat Depth Style Juice
“Astral Chain” prides itself on slick, unique combat. The action is so nice you do it twice. Let me explain. You simultaneously control your character and a spectral warrior, called a Legion. Of course, all the while both parties are hacking and slashing like a couple of angry banshees at your behest. An impressive display for a lil ol’ Switch game.
See some action here:
Weeb’s Delight
“Astral Chain” builds a world fit for new and veteran anime fans. If you don’t like what anime has to offer, then it’s probably best to play “Luigi’s Mansion 3” where you will feel right at home. Seriously, even if anime isn’t your favorite “Astral Chain” has plenty to offer. The writing is in the same vein as the rest of the game. Anime-style, baby. Actually, the jokes land very well in this game. Better than other games, that’s for sure.
Fun RPG Business
RPG elements in “Astral Chain” are wonderfully straightforward. You won’t find yourself struggling just to build out a character. Instead you will be outfitting your Legion with helpful abilities and special skills using a very simplified skill tree. So, stat menus aren’t quite as daunting and action takes gameplay center stage. Love it!
All in all, “Astral Chain” rules as a Nintendo Switch exclusive. There’s a little something for everybody here. If I was you, I’d go to my nearest Best Buy, purchase a Switch (if you don’t have one) and buy “Astral Chain”! Then you can play it and tell me how wrong or spot-on I am about this title.