“Grandma’s Boy” Sequel Please Please Please

It’s high time (pun intended) for a “Grandma’s Boy” sequel.
When the legendary comedy with a focus on video games came out in 2006, gaming was still a subculture. Playing games made you a loser, perhaps a major basement-dweller. Despite being crushed by the critics, “Grandma’s Boy” did reach cult-classic status in the end.
Now it’s 2020 and video games have become mainstream AF. Drake is playing “Fortnite” with Ninja. “Call of Duty: Warzone” is a household game. This means “Grandma’s Boy” needs a dang follow up, like today. Strike while the iron is hot, movie makers! Gaming has never had this much exposure.
“Grandma’s Boy” 2 can’t lose the vibe of the original movie. Stoner comedy, free of politics, good fun. Really can’t stress this part enough. Changing the film’s dynamic would be an irraparable mistake. Hard no.
Just thinking about the possibility of going to the movie theater to see a “Grandma’s Boy” sequel makes me super excited. Will it ever actually happen? That’s most likely a negative. A gamer can dream. We’ll see what happens!