How to Start Watching Anime

KK, you’ve made a decision to start down the slippery, tentacle-y  slope of watching anime. Good job. As a fairly uninformed anime fan, lemme help you select the titles you should be watching.

Cowboy Bebop – A bounty hunter and his crew which includes a robot corgi get into all sorts of trouble in space. The music is still so good and the action is top notch.

Weeb rating: 5/10

Samurai Champloo – 2 master samurai and a young woman all who are hungry AF often set out to find a man smelling of sunflowers. Hip-hop makes up the majority of “Champloo’s” soundtrack. This stylish anime shouldn’t be missed.

Weeb rating: 6/10

Sword Art Online – MMO fans will have no problem sinking their teeth into this series. Enjoy players fight for their lives inside of a VR game. This one will leave you shook mega.

Weeb rating: 8/10

Gurren Lagann – Add 1 cup of Gundam, 2 cups drills, 1 ounce “Matrix” and you get Gurren Lagann. This mongoloid of an show is fun for anime beginners but at a higher weeb cost.

Weeb rating: 9/10

After watching all these titles, you are now licenced to run around with buttered toast in your mouth claiming you live a RL anime. I do. Believe that.

Just a piece of advice, if you choose to embark on anime, watch it alone for the first time. No need to have someone else there judging the fuck out of the show–and you, to be frank…