The days of conventions/large crowds could be done. Since I’m a nostalgia basic B, I have no problem reminiscing about last year’s most-famous video game show, E3. I captured some goofy images with my E3 partner in crime Andrew Ramirez. Let’s take a peek at the pre-coronavirus fun.
Welcome to the big show! Cheers! Quick smooch. Honed in big time. Dat Nintendo life. A few pokes. Poke demo city. A weeb’s lunch. Throne baby. Bros Intro lol.
Sadly, COVID-19 could put an end to events like E3 or Anime Expo. Big restrictions inbound. All we’ll have are poor pics to reminisce over. But who knows what the future holds. For now, enjoy some video games in doors, drink Cokes & gulp G Fuel.
Hopefully it’ll be back next year and we’ll be there!