Duncan Vizla, aka The Black Kaiser played by Mads Mikkelsen owns. He’s a smoking, drinking, sexing, killing machine–and for this aging hitman retirement is around the corner…

“Polar” does what “The Losers” from 2010 tried and failed to do. Making hitman branding cool. Meaning each hitman has their own(albeit silly) name and signature style. For example, Sindy played by Ruby O. Fee uses her sex appeal often as a way to lure her victims into vulnerable situations. Johnny Knoxville’s character gets absolutely smoked because of her seduction. Each hitman and hitgal has their own stylish intro unique to their character.
Vanessa Hudgens stars alongside Mads as the jumpy next-door neighbor. This surprised me. The actress strikes me as more of a rom-com type, but she killed it in this role. So, Vanessa has earned mad points in my book for being in such a bizarre flick.
“Polar” is a weird movie. For one thing, there’s an emphasis on strange audio like the sounds of applying hand moisturizer, eating pie, and even colonoscopy-ing. It’s just a way for director Jonas Åkerlund to make the viewers’ senses extra heightened in the wild, unpredictable world. Bright suits worn by the main antagonist gave me “Dick Tracy” vibes. Another odd AF movie based off a comic. It’s no wonder “Polar” may have borrowed some elements from it.
The Netflix movie isn’t trying to make any big political or social statements. Action and sex make up a majority its content. Without being hung up on big themes, “Polar” is able to purely focus on its wholesome depravity. In a world where everything is trying to make a point, it’s refreshing! Go watch.