Everyone–including myself–has had enough of this Mixer charade.
The bold statement above could be hyperbole. Xbox owners and Microsoft lovers sure are stoked that Ninja, one of the most recognizable streamers around, has chosen Mixers as his new home. Bitter FireTV Twitch watchers can go F themselves aka me.
Ninja did a few things well on Twitch. His viewership numbers were through the roof at all times. Despite being finally outdone in viewers by the likes of Tfue, the numbers don’t lie, he was popular AF. Ninja was a family friendly streamer on Twitch. Cussing didn’t happen. Major bro moments didn’t happen. Stupid edgy content didn’t happen. Little stream details that I’ve really come to appreciate about Ninja.
But all that is gone now. All lost to Mixer… It’s actually a little sad. Watching Twitch doesn’t even sound like a very fun option at this point. Guess it’s time to actually play some video games. Lol.