Feeling Overwhelmed By My Library of Games
Since the holidays 2017, I’ve been up to my ear balls in new video games. Some of those games I’ve played, others are still on the back burner. Either way, I’m overwhelmed as all hell.
“Nioh,” “Nier: Automata,” “Final Fantasy XV,” “Darkest Dungeon,” “Stardew Valley” and “Gravity Rush” make up a portion of games on my plate. All solid titles–but giving them the proper time and attention proves to be tricky. The sheer volume of them gives me a bit of plebeian-like anxiety.
How am I supposed to carve out time to the cause? Thankfully, “Stardew” and “Darkest” have been purchased on the Nintendo Switch platform allowing these titles to go portable at the drop of a hat. The rest: landlocked on the PS4 console, only to be played when I’m at home. Getting all weeby and chilling at home is a rarity these days TBH.
In conclusion, having too many games is a good problem to have. So, I’ve devised a plan but it involves me eliminating any and all sleep. Let’s just say I have a little date with G Fuel and some chips.