It’s like this, you get pretty good at “Apex Legends.” Then, skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) kicks in and you get paired up with sweaty players. The sweat swarm is a total burn. So, is it time to start smurfing?
Like most current multiplayer games, “Apex Legends” has a matchmaking problem. Slowly and eventually, players will start going up against players who eat, sleep and breathe “Apex Legends.” This means you, I and everyone is gunna get smoked. The tears flow once SBMM kicks in.
So what is smurfing? According to the boys over at gaming4.cash (lol) smurfing is defined as “an experienced gamer who poses as a newbie by creating a new account under an alternate name. The purpose behind this is to play against less skilled players with the ultimate result being bringing humiliation to the less skilled players.” Not a bad assessment and could be true most of the time, but it doesn’t account for the game forcing the player’s hand to smurf due to SBMM.
Smurfing is the only option to keep me going in “Apex.” I’m not trying to troll the noobs or anything, I’m just trying to get matched up with players who aren’t going to steamroll me in a moment flat. Fair fight pleaseeeee.