Damned to ad hell.
Have you noticed the severe uptick in ads on Twitch? Whether it’s a big or small streamer, ads are literally blaring continuously right after tuning in. When did this become the norm? Streamers have always pushed for donations and subscriptions but getting hit with a slew of ads for being an unsubbed pleb feels like punishment. (FYI, subbing to a channel disables ads). It’s pre-roll and mid-roll too!
According to Twitch guidelines, partnered streamers determine the length and frequency of advertising on their live feed. Some are guiltier than others. Once, TSM_Viss ran 11 commercials before I could actually see his gameplay. Excessive. Dr DisRespect and Ninja spring mid-roll ads on unsubbed viewers all the time now. Twitch plays its own ads in front of streamers who aren’t partnered. Like my boi, helladopeguy’s stream. Commercials on his stream! It used to not be that way.
Are gamers feeling strongly about these overplayed ads? Money-forward antics are triggering. Well if you haven’t noticed the BS yet, you definitely will now.