When Did Twitch Become Bad?

What a hard pill to swallow. The beloved streaming service has officially taken a turn for the worst. When and why? Let’s look.


On August 21, 2019, Twitch suffered a huge lost when the biggest name in streaming bounced to rival Microsoft service Mixer. Ninja’s family friendly style made for easy watching is sorely missed. Ninja’s noticeable void on the platform has been filled by edgy gamer bros. Old guns like Dr. DisRespect and Summit1G just seem over streaming all together. They don’t make up for Ninja’s absence.


Literal ads playing at all times. Not just 1 or 2, like 6. Twitch and streamers alike want money and ads serve that purpose. Of course this comes at a cost of the viewer’s sanity. Who enjoys advertisements popping in at the worst times? Forget about it.

Game Rotation

Twitch goes as follows. “World of Warcraft” has taken over the broadcast airwaves. “Grand Theft Auto” RP isn’t funny or entertaining to watch. “Fortnite” streamers sound and act all the same. The days of 24/7 “PUBG” are over. Sad.

Will this Twitch drought be forever? We can only hope not. Is it aggressive to say Twitch is bad? Maybe. The platform does need a return to form though.