Honest talk, here’s the “Call of Duty: Warzone” tea or “Call of Du-Tea®.”
Skill based match making or SBMM is sending me and my video game constituents down a very deep, dark hole of un-fun-ism. Every round since July 6, 2020 has contained large numbers of sweaty frag monsters. Exhausting, annoying, unbalanced are a few words to describe the current in-game competition.
I’m no MLG pro at “Warzone.” Sure, I’ve played my share of rounds, but by no means should me or my friends be paired up with sweats who seem to eat, sleep, breathe “CoD.” Squads rushing at a speed I didn’t think possible, subsequently murdering every last person on my team appears to be the new normal. All this equals zero good times.
Before the SBMM ramp-up, the game was a blast. Didn’t feel impossible to pull off a win. Opposing players weren’t soulless sweat boys. Squad animosity was lower. Just about everything felt different. Now, it’s just like why am I playing something that isn’t fun.
Doubtful the game will go back to normal. What’s the next course of action? Tank my stats to drop tiers? Quit all together(sad thought)? I called this game the “Fortnite” killer. Now “Warzone” is killing me in the state that it’s in.