Why Do Players Stream Snipe?

According to Urban Dictionary a stream sniper is “one who is watching/following a streamer into a server or a game queue just to kill and taunt them.” However, I think it goes beyond just trying to kill the streamer these days. So, why do players really do it in the first place? Let’s speculate.

They Want that 15 Seconds of Fame

I’m probably being generous by giving these guys 15 seconds of fame, it’s more like 5. Stream snipers are never remembered.

They Straight Suck at the Game

Looking for a streamer in a multiplayer game is modern-day cheating at it’s worst. Stream snipers are plebs.

They Are, in Fact, Trolls

Let’s go inside the mind of a stream sniper: “There are so many people watching this streamer. I feel like ruining the experience for everyone.”

Too bad large-scale streaming has run into this unnecessary problem, one I don’t see ending any time soon. Hopefully, some stream snipers read this and have second thoughts about the senseless act!

A perfect example of a whack stream sniper in action: