Rockstar’s “Red Dead Redemption 2” offers plenty of amazing moments, but nothing compares to what happens in camp. Let’s dive in.
Camp Mornings
The camp has special qualities in the morning. Picture this. Arthur Morgan waking up in his bunk with the sun peeking through the trees and birds happily chirping away. Delicious coffee brewing, almost ready to drink. Your companions sleepily preparing to take on the day. These details and lots of others make the morning times in camp incredible as a player. Feels like you’re really freaking camping.
Camp Nights
The camp has special qualities at night as well. Picture this. Arthur Morgan strolls back into camp from a long day taming the west, the moon peeks through the trees and owls hoot with delight. Tasty stew cooking, almost ready to eat. Your companions mingle around the campfire, telling stories or singing songs. These details and lots of others make the night times incredible as a player. Feels like you’re really freaking camping.
The game is worth replaying just to revisit camps all over again. Everything looks different on G Fuel, so brb, firing it up for a new perspective.