Out of nowhere, my dad gifted me a Warhammer 40,000 Elite Edition starter kit. Time to whip these miniatures into shape!
Let’s backtrack. 20+ years ago, when a young LNG was still in 5th grade, I discovered the world of table top gaming, more specifically, Warhammer 40,000. A local hobby shop called Marty’s Hobbies sold the 40k starter box sets and another store in town by the name of Game Keeper held game days where you could actually play the game itself. I would frequent these shops quite a bit during my first 40k phase. Obviously, the game made a lasting impression because I’m back many years later.
I’ve always enjoyed the 40k literature, so the game wasn’t too far out of mind. Being more limited on time these days (lots of wife priorities, gaming and work), I never thought I’d be back into the table top action. But I’m in the thick of it once more and I’m not mad. Building the models is therapeutic, painting them is meditation and showing them off is a source of pride. Positive takeaways!
I’ll just be over here painting for now. I’ll leave you with this awesome, fan-made Warhammer 40,000 vid: