Okay, so, you just had your first kid. Congratulations! It’s time for late nights, diaper changes and a bit of restructuring when it comes to getting a quality game session in. The latter is where I can help.
Thankfully, for parents, there are ways to game besides the usual PC or game console that require some sort of large screen. For instance, you can grab yourself a Steam Deck. Valve’s super-powerful handheld can have you playing AAA titles in no time flat. Or, grab a Nintendo Switch! A little less powerful, but still has a library of games that is pretty much unmatched. Both of these devices come with a sleep feature that allows a busy parent to stop/resume their gaming at the drop of a hat. Totally clutch.
Newborns love to nap. Sometimes it can get wild trying to get them to sleep, but when they are zonked, you usually have about 1.5 to 2 hours to game out on your console of choice. Maybe work something out with your SO on how you want to handle it. The baby sleeps on them while you steal away for an hour or so. This has worked for me.
My personal advice is drop whatever game you maybe playing to assist with the crying baby if necessary. This will keep everyone in the household happy.
Friends & Family Time
Oh, would you look at that! Your mother-in-law just popped by to say hello to the little one. If everyone is happy, THIS is your time to jump on the system for a few rounds of “Overwatch.” The new baby will keep everyone’s attention so hard, it’s likely no one will notice your absence.
Of course, if you hear the baby fussing or if for any reason someone is missing you, remember my advice and rejoin the fun times.
So that pretty much sums up my new parent gaming advice, if I’m missing any other tips, let me know in the comments. Again, congrats on the bundle of joy.